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Use in Code¤

The command line tool covers most of the use cases. If more customizations is desired, please refer to References for details about the utilities.

An Example¤

from import download_metadata
from kirsche.connect import (

paper_ids = ["10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0095-07.2007"]

# download the metadata
papers_metadata = download_metadata(paper_ids)

# calculate the connections
papers_connections = append_connections(papers_metadata)

# save the connections to a file, e.g., save_paper_connections.json
save_connected_papers(papers_connections, target="save_paper_connections.json")

Loading from a bib file

If we have a bib file my_input_bib_file.bib, we can extract the ids using list_unique_ids

from import list_unique_ids

paper_ids = list_unique_ids("my_input_bib_file.bib")